We all know the history of the first Thanksgiving… allegedly. Our schools have been glossing over the fact Texas had a bigger Thanksgiving led by the Catholics [so you can be sure it was more rootin’ and tootin’ than the event in New England] a full 23 years before the pilgrims…
Sure, the Dallas Cowboys haven’t enjoyed the Cincinnati Bengals’ level of success these past few years, but few have. Still, fans have been frustrated, calling out, “Scaia wasn’t even talkin’ about his precious hometown team until a couple years ago. The term, ‘bandwagon jumper,’ is thrown around all too often these days, but in this case…
“Why aren’t they showing any of the 49ers girlfriends?!” an associate mentioned as we watched the Super Bowl. “That’s favoritism…
We all have beloved Thanksgiving traditions. I, for instance, wander into AT&T Stadium and help myself to some dinner…
A couple times a year, Jerry Jones demands I come by AT&T Stadium and feast from his cornucopia of new dishes. And by “Jerry Jones,” I mean, “Legends, the concessions company he and the New York Yankees own,” and by “demands,” I mean, “allows…
I was excited to return home from the rodeo last weekend in time to catch the end of the Bengals/Cowboys game. I was less excited to see the Bengals lose…
Each year, I relax a bit in Super Oregon. Loyal Scaiaholics will recall my penchant for returning for the rodeo…