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Pendleton Roundup

The governor of Oregon has spent her first year in office touring the state’s counties to learn more about an issue we’ve discussed at length here at #ScaiaBlog: SuperOregon…

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I’ve now been blogging about COVID-19 for about a year and a half. As a society, we’ve used that time to argue constantly, and totally change each other’s minds, about whether masks are useful tools to prevent the spread of COVID-19 or the worst thing that’s ever happened in life. Remember the Cuban Missile…

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Loyal Scaiaholics will recall how my associates and I had plotted out an epic road trip to take in this year’s Pendleton Round-Up in SuperOregon.My first boss and I have made a tradition of attending the Round-Up with a round robin of folks, once with a classmate from high school (who once recorded a promo for…

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That IS Affordable

Loyal Scaiaholics know I don’t like to fly.Having said that, I’ve spent quite a bit of time on airplanes the past couple weeks. An associate was having his bachelor party in Nashville over Labor Day a few weeks ago.We attended, naturally, a fiddlin’ contest and also saw Webb Pierce’s cadillac. When I moved to Texas…

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Loyal Scaiaholics know I look forward to writing a blog on the plane trip home from the Pendleton Round-Up in SuperOregon each September. You may also recall I only recently learned about hat-steaming.”Sure, Scaia, make fun of the hat steamer all you want,” the Lord smirked as He read that blog three years ago. “We’ll just…

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