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Loyal Scaiaholics will recall I jumped pretty hard on the Cincinnati Bengals bandwagon. But everyone jumped on the bandwagon [which, I suspect, is what makes it a bandwagon], so I couldn’t find an acceptable shirt to watch the Super Bowl last weekend…

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I’ve been visiting home back in Ohio the past few days. Has anything, say, has anything interesting been happening back in Texas?This post will incorporate two things Loyal Scaiaholics have become quite familiar with:1.) I frequently blog about Ohio even though I’ve lived in Texas ten years and Oregon before that.2.) Mama Scaia showed up…

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Last year, air travel dropped 60%. Apparently, the International Civil Aviation Organization did not take into account the DFW to Dayton, Ohio route. I flew home for a bit last summer on a plane that was full enough to cause me to take a picture.”I can’t believe this many people are trying to get to Dayton,” I thought…

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A Very Funky Christmas

Loyal Scaiaholics will recall how I enjoy writing blogs on the plane back to DFW from Christmas in Ohio. This year, I’m writing while we wait out some storms. I’m a nervous flier, so I’m glad they’re taking these precautions to ensure our safet–come on! You’re delaying it again!? It’s a couple of…

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