
A Very Funky Christmas

Loyal Scaiaholics will recall how I enjoy writing blogs on the plane back to DFW from Christmas in Ohio. This year, I’m writing while we wait out some storms. I’m a nervous flier, so I’m glad they’re taking these precautions to ensure our safet–come on! You’re delaying it again!? It’s a couple of drops!

I was just looking forward to going home and getting some Skyline Chili. And I did do that this week. Thoroughly and consistently.

But also, no one could ignore the news articles about how tough these holidays would be for people affected by the Dayton tornadoes or the shooting in the Oregon District.

This was a tough year for Ohio, and my brethren have been doing what they can to move on. When I got home, a candy bar from Dayton’s Esther Price chocolate was sitting on the counter. Esther Price is doing her part to calm a troubled community.

“We are strong!” I thought to myself as I unwrapped the nougat.

But Dayton really is moving forward. Everyone hasn’t been down in the dumps. They’re talking about how to rebuild, how they can make a stronger community with a greater identity.

The Ohio Department of Transportation is also doing its part. I saw an article about how they’re now blasting Ohio music at the rest areas. I couldn’t find a playlist online, but I suspect [suspect] Crosby, Stills and Nash did not make the cut.

But even as we celebrate Ohio artists, I learned the Dayton Funk Museum has closed.

To bring us more cheer [and also funk], Mama Scaia hauls several boxes out of the closet each year. They’re filled with Christmas decorations to make us feel ways about Christmases past. For instance, I hadn’t seen this piece in quite some time. Turns out, I’ve always had a way with words:

We learned cursive in 2nd grade, so I probably penned this piece in either 3rd or 4th grade. I appreciate that grade school Scaia, in addition to already having a way with words, knew the correct usages of “to,” “two” and “too.” Still, I suspect [suspect] it might be somewhat strange that I was also familiar with sherry.

A trip back to the house is like taking a step back in time.

My bedroom still has a large collection of records, trophies and decorations from when I was a kid. Also, I stumbled across the party favors we got at prom.

Is it weird my high school gave us teenagers champagne flutes to celebrate our senior dance? It feels like it might have been strange decision.

To honor my happenin’ high school and my own obvious command of written language, I may try to secure the Funk Museum’s web address. People often tell me “” is tough to spell. If I moved the blog to “,” the problem would be solved. And in remarkably funky fashion!

Also sitting on the counter at the house was this bag:

So I opened ‘er up and found:

“This is a classic,” I thought to myself. But at the same time, I thought it was strange Mama Scaia was so eager to get the piece framed.

I continued my investigation and found the Tick was just laid out to protect a picture of my grandparents. To be sure, though, my brother and I bought frames for both. And a funky Christmas was had by all:
