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Skyline Chili

Normally, Loyal Scaiaholics would turn to me in search of a review of the newest food available at professional sporting events. This year, I stopped at Globe Life Field just before Opening Day but then had to make an unexpected trip to Ohio, then I nearly made an even more unexpected trip to Oklahoma City…

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“I’ve got some ideas I’d like to try out before the next home match,” the new executive chef for FC Dallas said. “Doesn’t Scaia test all the new food at stadiums? Let’s get him in here…

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Loyal Scaiaholics will recall I jumped pretty hard on the Cincinnati Bengals bandwagon. But everyone jumped on the bandwagon [which, I suspect, is what makes it a bandwagon], so I couldn’t find an acceptable shirt to watch the Super Bowl last weekend…

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Listen, society, we’ve been through a lot. Even outside of Texas legislators on the lam, COVID-19 hospitalizations have more than doubled in the past month, crime has been trending up in Dallas and other cities, the Moops caused a stand-off on a highway in Massachusetts, and crews have been clearing the site of the condo collapse in…

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A Very Funky Christmas

Loyal Scaiaholics will recall how I enjoy writing blogs on the plane back to DFW from Christmas in Ohio. This year, I’m writing while we wait out some storms. I’m a nervous flier, so I’m glad they’re taking these precautions to ensure our safet–come on! You’re delaying it again!? It’s a couple of…

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Texas Chili is not Soup


A Dallas firefighter is a finalist for Hormel Chili’s “America’s Best Firehouse Chili” contest.Firefighters from across the country, who apparently have nothing better to do [true story: while he was serving chili, the bell started going off and a bunch of firefighters who were on shift had to leave], have been cookin’ up concoctions using Hormel Chili…

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