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Year in Review

Continuing a comprehensive series of “year in review” posts [and by “comprehensive”, the Scaianalysis Editorial Board means, “We can now brag that we’ve done it a full 50% of the time.”], the time has come to look back a year most of us may not enjoy looking back upon.Since I’m nothing if not a hip millennial with…

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Loyal Scaiaholics recall that, unfailingly, each December, I post a “year in review” blog. And by “unfailingly,” I mean, “twice in the past five years.””Scaia, you ruggedly handsome scoundrel,” you’re screaming at your computer. “We’re not really into a look back this year. Read the room, man.”The editorial board here at 1 Scaianalysis Esplanade agrees. Let…

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2019 in Scaianalysis

As we’ve done literally [and by “literally,” I mean, “figuratively, like, once in the past five years”] every year, the editorial board at 1 Scaianalysis Esplanade has taken a look back at the most substantial issues of the year and presented updates to you, the literally dozens of people who read this blog daily.But our society is knockin…

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2017 in Scaianalysis


Pundits, wags and experts are all weighing in on how 2017 was the year we all pulled it together or ruined everything. I suspect the pundits and wags pick their sides by hitting each other with paddles.But who will look out for the issues most important to loyal Scaiaholics!? Scaia, that’s who. In fact, while I was in…

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