I wish I could go back to the beginning of the season and put some money on the Rangers. Maybe the Rangers were shy of a 100 to one shot, but still, I do enjoy currency…
This week, I went back to work. I’m joining KRLD, the all-news station across town.I had been looking forward to some time off, but then The Lord’s all, “Get back to work!” and saw to it another station would contact me the morning after I left my last job. So, I says to The Lord, I…
Houston and I have a rich history together. Back in the olden days, I had a perfectly lovely job in Portland, Oregon that I enjoyed going to every day with people I enjoyed working with.Naturally, I quit that job and moved to Houston, where I was miserable for approximately one year. It wasn’t the city’s fault. In…
Last week, Texas flipped out when some outfit declared more Texans prefer In-N-Out to Whataburger. Even the governor weighed in.So The Lord and Yogi Berra were hanging out in Heaven. Yogi Berra says to the Lord, “Nuts to that! Let’s shove Texas and California in a stadium together until they work it out!”The Lord looks…
I propose we, the Metroplex, stop wringing our hands worrying about the impression we made on the NFL last weekend and spend just a bit of time thinking about the impression the NFL made on us.First, I think the Metroplex did a great job with the Super Bowl. Sure, it snowed twice and it was as cold as it…