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In a stunning revelation [hashtag: Breaking! hashtag: ICYMI], Sean Hannity is drawing attention to the difference between news and talk shows on the radio.The twitterer who was cited in that link had to explain that Hannity is not a journalist; he’s a host. That’s something those of us who’ve worked in AM radio have dealt with…

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Last week, Texas flipped out when some outfit declared more Texans prefer In-N-Out to Whataburger. Even the governor weighed in.So The Lord and Yogi Berra were hanging out in Heaven. Yogi Berra says to the Lord, “Nuts to that! Let’s shove Texas and California in a stadium together until they work it out!”The Lord looks…

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Now that President Trump has been inaugurated, media outlets across the country are setting up “Secure drop services” for people with news tips who might feel intimidatedWhile may not have 170 years of experience (It just feels like I’ve been bombarding you with blogs that long, right Scaiaholics?!), its founder has won…

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The Texas legislature started its biennial session this week.I’ve interviewed just about everyone in Texas about the “bathroom bill” (If you haven’t heard from me yet, expect a call sometime this week), and the budget is taking a hit because the price of oil is down.Those are issues that are stealing the show, but what…

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At the beginning of this week, I covered the hard-hitting story about the Capitol telling Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert to stop cookin’ ribs on the balcony of his office.Gohmert, in what I would imagine was an effort to build coalitions, would apparently cook ribs for his fellow Congressmen every few months. I would imagine. In his speech, Gohmert…

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Today, a co-worker is on vacation, so I had to fill in for her, but I’ll also work late covering the election.”If we had elected Donald Trump in 2012,” I thought to myself. “He would have outlawed elections and thrown all the reporters in jail by now. That would have saved me so much time.”People often…

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If you’re like 81.4 million other Americans, you took in last night’s debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.If you’re like most of my facebook friends, you posted about it online. I’m sure each of you who posted, “So, who do you think won the debate?” thought you were the only one who wrote…

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