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Montreal Expos


2019 in Scaianalysis

As we’ve done literally [and by “literally,” I mean, “figuratively, like, once in the past five years”] every year, the editorial board at 1 Scaianalysis Esplanade has taken a look back at the most substantial issues of the year and presented updates to you, the literally dozens of people who read this blog daily.But our society is knockin…

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Tell me if you think this is a strange sequence of events, Scaiaholics:This morning, I was covering an event with the Dallas County Sheriff’s Department at the county administration building. They were getting their report on their annual jail inspection.Texas Commission on Jail Standards says Dallas County has passed inspection. Jail declared noncompliant for about two months…

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Loyal Scaiaholics will recall my complicated history with the Washington Nationals.In that blog from way back in 2016, I explained how I became a fan of the Montreal Expos: at the All-Star game workout in Cincinnati, li’l Scaia was permitted to get a hat. Li’l Scaia was enamored of the colors on the Expos’ hat.And…

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The Poutine Revolution

I grew up near Cincinnati, and my parents are from Connecticut. Naturally, I grew up a fan of the Montreal Expos.Loyal Scaiaholics may recall how, as a li’l rapscallion, I became an Expos fan during the 1988 All-Star Game because of their hats.Each year, the Texas Rangers have reporters show up to try their new dishes…

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My brother, a Hollywood muckity-muck, has been globe trotting recently because he’s developing a new show and is such a big deal. You might think there’s a sibling rivalry. You might be a fool. Let me explain.Loyal Scaiaholics understand that even though the Expos left Montreal 14 years ago, I’m still a fan. My brother…

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This morning, I’m talking with affiliates about Major League Baseball’s trade deadline. Each July, Pundits declare teams winners or losers based on whom they acquired. Or didn’t acquire. Or “gave up for a rental.”Yu Darvish, you see, is a rental. He’ll totally be back with the Rangers next season. Or he won’t. Every one…

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After the American League Championship Series was locked into place, I, along with television executives, lamented that the Toronto Blue Jays, not the Texas Rangers, would face the Cleveland Indians, not the Boston Red Sox.I believe this this year’s ALCS may be cancelled due to lack of interest.I might say, “Loyal Scaiaholics will know I’m a…

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