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A Very Funky Christmas

Loyal Scaiaholics will recall how I enjoy writing blogs on the plane back to DFW from Christmas in Ohio. This year, I’m writing while we wait out some storms. I’m a nervous flier, so I’m glad they’re taking these precautions to ensure our safet–come on! You’re delaying it again!? It’s a couple of…

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Alan IS a Super Kid

There are no *degrees* of full.I’m wrapping up a week with the family in Ohio, waiting for my flight back to DFW. The flights between Dayton and DFW are not, typically, on a 747, so the gate agent will occasionally ask people to check their carry-ons.”We have a very full flight,” the agent said on the…

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I was happy to arrive home from College Station last weekend to attend several Christmas parties. I could use a pick-me-up, and this is the time of year when we celebrate the birth of the son of God by drinkin’ eggnog and watchin’ TV.The Year Without a Santa Claus came on the other day. Sure, I needed…

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A Very Scaia Christmas


This week, my new place of work was asking me to fill in for other reporters and anchors who were asking for time off at Christmas. Naturally, since I’m difficult to work with, I went to Ohio.​I flew out on Christmas Eve. It was cold but the weather was okay leaving North Texas.As we approached Cincinnati, though…

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I Should Work Fewer Hours


A few years ago, I learned I’m one of the smartest people on the planet. Mensa, you see, was holding its Annual Gathering [so named because only the weak-minded use terms like “convention”] in Fort Worth.I was interviewing a Mensa higher-up, and she presented me with a couple members to talk with as well. One of…

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I spent part of December at home in Ohio, where my mother likes to remind guests, when they look at the family Christmas tree, that I had a rich, full head of hair when I was in kindergarten.Then I tell people, “Oh, you should have seen me in first grade, though! It was like a ghost town up there…

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Hola, amigos. I know it’s been a long time since I rapped at ya, but it’s been crazy at the ol’ Scaia place.I went home to Ohio for a week around Christmas. It was our first Christmas together since my brother got married, so it was also my new sister-in-law’s first chance to really…

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