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Beer Frontier

A new school year is starting. Perhaps you’d think a man who does not, to his knowledge, have any children should avoid wandering up to parents with small kids outside a school. Perhaps you are a fool…

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The Gluten Plus Diet

Several members of my newsroom are on the low-carb diets, discussing ketones and what-not. One of the traffic anchors will occasionally come back to the coffee machine [my desk is near the coffee machine because I’m nothing if not a social butterfly] and talk about things she can and cannot eat with another reporter.But a recent…

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Big Scai’s Beer Frontier


As part of my series on million dollar business ideas, let me introduce you to Big Scai’s Beer Frontier [patent pending].Back when I lived in Oregon, I once mentioned beer and liquor drive-thrus back home in Ohio. An associate, I explained, had worked at the iconic Fat Daddy’s drive-thru in Moraine.No one in Oregon…

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