I minored in meteorology for some reason.”Gotta minor in something,” I suspect I said to myself at one point.Li’l Baby Scaia used to zone out with The Weather Channel on. This was back before they started naming random storms and airing shows about driving trucks. In The Weather Channel’s defense, many of the shows are about…
Now that our society has become one elaborate, unending comments section, many of us may have been seeking [questing] for something wholesome to enjoy…
It’s March Madness for microphone shovin’!” I declared as I wandered into Dickie’s Arena in Fort Worth…
“Oh, if only more people were complaining about gas prices on Facebook!” you’ve all apparently been screaming at your computer screens…
Loyal Scaiaholics will recall I have an affinity for cheating death. That came up recently when ATF came to town…
I’m no square, but I was texting with some associates during the State of the Union address earlier this week. One had previously lamented he hadn’t voted in ten years but was excited to cast his ballot in the primary Tuesday…