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No British ruler had ever visited Texas, not even a Druid, which may help explain why Stonehenge is shrouded in mystery instead of having songs written about it and people arguing about the best way to defend it like the Alamo…

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After last week’s expose on charcuterie boards, an associate suggested my description of the goat cheese-wonton-honey trifecta was a bit off. Instead of finding a way to work the term, “insouciance,” into descriptions of foods, he suggested I start using “mouthfeel…

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After all we’ve been through as a society the past two years, I recently spoke to a fella who makes a strong point:Of course, he was referring to the Big Tex Choice Awards.Loyal Scaiaholics will recall how seriously I take the responsibility of conveying information about new dishes at the State Fair each year. After the showcase…

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