I was excited to return home from the rodeo last weekend in time to catch the end of the Bengals/Cowboys game. I was less excited to see the Bengals lose…
Each year, I relax a bit in Super Oregon. Loyal Scaiaholics will recall my penchant for returning for the rodeo…
No British ruler had ever visited Texas, not even a Druid, which may help explain why Stonehenge is shrouded in mystery instead of having songs written about it and people arguing about the best way to defend it like the Alamo…
After last week’s expose on charcuterie boards, an associate suggested my description of the goat cheese-wonton-honey trifecta was a bit off. Instead of finding a way to work the term, “insouciance,” into descriptions of foods, he suggested I start using “mouthfeel…
After all we’ve been through as a society the past two years, I recently spoke to a fella who makes a strong point:Of course, he was referring to the Big Tex Choice Awards.Loyal Scaiaholics will recall how seriously I take the responsibility of conveying information about new dishes at the State Fair each year. After the showcase…
“You want some rain?” the Lord said, listening to us drone on about the drought. “How about the most rain in 90 years?!” [His omnipotence allows him to speak in hyperlinks…