
Springfield is a lovely community

“How often should we post about politics on Facebook?” you might have asked as the election draws closer.

As a country, we may seem divided on almost every issue, but to answer this question, we have apparently all risen up and declared in one, unified voice: “Incessantly!”

I’m writing this ahead of tonight’s vice presidential debate, which my television seems to believe merits a Super Bowl-style pregame show.

Loyal Scaiaholics will recall I grew up in Ohio, so all this talk about residents of Springfield eating their cats took me by surprise. While this has led to all of us fondly remembering Alf, #ScaiaBlog is about unity. I grew up in the southern part of the Miami Valley, which is a ways from Springfield, but if you rag on anyone from the Miami Valley, you rag on the entire Miami Valley.

No place is perfect. I moved to Indiana for college and then decided to move across the country to SuperOregon, so I bailed on the Miami Valley.

But there I became a champion for my homeland. Until now, our greatest controversy was defending ourselves as the birthplace of aviation.

We even made concessions to those who refuse our status as a Midwest state and insist Ohio is in the Northeast. We ultimately accepted a position as a Great Lake state [an accord known as the Toledo Compromise].

I accept all viewpoints ranging from those who believe Cincinnati-style chili is “excellent” to those who only consider it “delicious.”

I’ve been rockin’ Springfield since before it was cool.

Back in high school, my driving instructor had me take him to Springfield to learn how to drive on freeways [and also pick up his paycheck from his second job, so it’s possible he used his students to orchestrate an elaborate Driving Miss Daisy situation].

A friend of mine married a lady from Springfield. I’ve met her several times and not once observed her eat a cat [or even pine for a delicious cat, for that matter]. We visited the Drinkin’ Zone last Christmas, and while you can walk around with your drink, I didn’t see anyone eating a cat.

But now influencers have descended upon Springfield. The mayor reports the experience has been much less pleasurable than an episode of Alf.

Perhaps there’s something positive that can come of this. We’re all talking about Springfield. You might consider a vacation there as you learn more about what the city has to offer. Maybe you don’t like walking around with a cocktail for some reason. In that case, you could learn about the American Heartland.

Springfield has a strangely large number of water attractions. But if you’re not into bein’ outside, Young’s Dairy is right down the road in Yellow Springs. Their S’mores/Cookie Dough ice cream, which I’m sure is keto-friendly, is just the seasonal treat you need to get your mind off the incessant political babble.



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