
Let this be a walkway to a brighter future

Not enough people are reading this blog. If only more loyal Scaiaholics had seen last week’s post, we might have heeded the warnings to stay home.

There was nothing funny about that crash. I talked to several people who were there. One said he was glad to come out with only some damage to his rear bumper.

During that chain reaction, an ambulance was even hit. The spokesman for the ambulance provider said no paramedics or patients were on board; someone had just lost control driving up to the crash scene and caused another crash.

This is the first snowfall in six years, the first snowfall since the winter that, to my knowledge, didn’t actually occur.

In addition to icy roads, we’re now dealing with rolling blackouts.

Loyal Scaiaholics will recall I forecast issues with the power grid in extreme cold years ago because too many people were firing up crock pots to get a stew going.

I went outside the Ol’ Scaia Place yesterday and saw a street with several inches of snow on top of a glaze of ice prime for a game of hockey.

Full disclosure: I hobbled up to the attic to get the hockey sticks, but they were nowhere to be found. When I bought the house, #MamaScaia showed up here with a UHaul full of things she wanted out of her house in Ohio, which as you’ll recall is how I acquired a portrait of a monkey drinking a martini.

But where were the hockey sticks?!

I texted my mom to ask if she brought the hockey sticks from the house. She had not, explaining she didn’t see what use I’d have for hockey sticks in Texas.

She also told me to start shoveling the driveway. If you read last week’s blog, you’ll know she’s done that before, such as when I went home for Christmas a few years ago.

I was positive I did not own a snow shovel.

This is our first snow in six years; what am I gonna do with a snow shovel?! That doesn’t seem like as strong an investment as a frame for my sketch of C. Everett Koop, which now hangs prominently in the guest bathroom.

Even without a shovel, I was able to hack away at the ice with a regular shovel and use a broom to sweep away the snow on my walk.

Things might seem bleak, now, but we’re problem solvers, Texas. We’ll get through this if you follow the advice in my blog.

