
The Art of the Sentence Diagram


This weekend, thousands of people will fill Ft. Worth’s Near Southside for the annual ArtsGoggle. As opposed to most weekends, when thousands of people fight for the the Near Southside’s three parking spots–am I right, Fairmount National Historic District?!

I may not have ever mentioned this, but I was a news reporter back in the day. When I covered the ArtsGoggle one year, I was interviewing the head of a studio.

After the interview, I started peppering him with questions about how one might go about launching sentence diagrams as a form of art.

“Oh… yeah,” he stammered, doing his best to sound supportive. “You could maybe find a niche for something like that.”

Now, I’ve finally got time to get Sentence Art [patent pending!] off the ground! And everyone’s talking about sentence diagrams. Don’t look at the date on that article. It doesn’t matter. Listen to me, society, when you’re blown away by seeing the Gettysburg Address diagrammed, you will all become the niche.

I could diagram sentences by other presidents, too.

A few years ago, a group of Scaiaholics set out to diagram a favorite zinger of mine. The etymology is an episode of Cheers because I’m nothing if not hip to current trends [note to self: check to see if the kids are still saying, “hip,” before you post this].

The diagram has a special place in my den. That’s another project I’d been putting off: finding decorative frames for the priceless art at the ol’ Scaia place.

My Scaiaholic-in-law, Simone, painted a portrait of me in the Manet style of realism a couple years ago.

​​Even now, Commodore Scaia just hangs on the wall next to another piece because I haven’t had time to find the right frame. That’ll be my project for Arts Goggle.

When I bought the house a few years ago, my mom showed up with a UHaul filled with material she wanted out of her house. Among those items, and I have no idea why she didn’t want to keep these, were the sketch I made of former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, which I wrote about earlier this year, and a portrait of a monkey drinking a martini [pictured below].

​The monkey already has a handsome frame. Maybe I should simply focus on matching frames for Commodore Scaia and Sentence Art [patent pending].

​In fact, it appears the ArtsGoggle is always going on at the ol’ Scaia place. I’ll just need to get an easel and a beret.

​​I could become a modern day da Vinci. I suspect Tom Hanks has already started skulkin’ around my backyard looking for various codes.

