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Tom Hanks

I’m nothing if not a connoisseur of American cinema. #ScaiaBlog has covered such hard-hitting issues as why the DeLorean went back to an alternate 1985 but then back to the original 2015. On another topic, I’m sorry to say, instead of coming together to help each other reach the green food, we appear to have gone the…

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As the only millennial who still has cable, I found myself at the house after work this afternoon, flipping back and forth between two timely epics programs: M*A*S*H and Big.Continuing a series of reviews of Tom Hanks movies that are several decades old, I started watching Big.This film would look much different today.When Josh…

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A major market newsroom is a hectic place. During breaking news, reporters, producers and editors will be hollerin’ at each other, hectically making phone calls or rushing out the door.Having said that, I was discussing Smokey and the Bandit the other day with a co-worker in the newsroom because I have my finger on the pulse of pop…

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