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We all feel beaten down by the pandemic and politics. And by “beaten down by the pandemic and politics,” I mean, “beaten down by everyone you know yammering on about the vaccine and/or Afghanistan whether you wanted to hear from them or not.”Maybe we all feel like John Coffey right now.…

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I’ve now been blogging about COVID-19 for about a year and a half. As a society, we’ve used that time to argue constantly, and totally change each other’s minds, about whether masks are useful tools to prevent the spread of COVID-19 or the worst thing that’s ever happened in life. Remember the Cuban Missile…

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Have I ever told you I used to live in Oregon? The saga started out in SuperOregon. Then I moved on to the big city, living in Portland about three years. Fun fact about both Standard and SuperOregon: They sometimes get hot in the summer.But not this hot.During my first summer, when we’d read the weather report…

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Loyal Scaiaholics will recall how my associates and I had plotted out an epic road trip to take in this year’s Pendleton Round-Up in SuperOregon.My first boss and I have made a tradition of attending the Round-Up with a round robin of folks, once with a classmate from high school (who once recorded a promo for…

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Continuing an occasional series of blogs about SuperOregon, a blog last week that mentioned StandardOregon has resulted in a chain of texts with a group of associates.We started plotting a road trip to SuperOregon for the Pendleton Round-Up this fall. Planning road trips through the western United States is where I’m a viking!When Bob Barker announced…

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One of my hobbies is wandering onto highways.This morning, severe weather elected to push through the Metroplex right at the height of morning drive-time. The National Weather Service has an incredibly helpful chat program, so I was able to get reports on where the storm was the worst. One of those areas was Irving, where heavy rain had…

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Back in aught-five, I had settled into Hermiston, SuperOregon. Recent College Graduate Scaia was longing for a new adventure. Growing up in the heart of the Cincinnati-Dayton corridor and visiting family in New York and New England as a young’n, I was ready to get away from it all.Ironically, I got restless being away from it…

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