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Santa Claus

This is a busy time of year for Santa Claus. To make matters worse, we’ve all been struggling with inflation, including Santa. The 12 days of Christmas will cost 5.4% more than two years ago. For crying out loud, those three French hens will set you back almost 41% more than last year. Bob and Doug McKenzie’s…

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I was happy to arrive home from College Station last weekend to attend several Christmas parties. I could use a pick-me-up, and this is the time of year when we celebrate the birth of the son of God by drinkin’ eggnog and watchin’ TV.The Year Without a Santa Claus came on the other day. Sure, I needed…

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Have you heard about this outfit in Wisconsin that’s staging a sequel to A Christmas Carol?I’m not sure how Ebenezer Scrooge plans to collect on any judgment involving defendants from the afterlife, but I appreciate the effort to bring a classic story into our modern, increasingly litigious society.The holidays sure have changed since we were kids…

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