Loyal Scaiaholics have surely learned the procedure for this by now: I’m going to tell you I don’t blog about politics and then write a blog about politics.As one of the 143 Americans who is *not* running for the Democratic presidential nomination [although my exploratory committee is still researching whether my message of politics as a whole…
Loyal Scaiaholics know I enjoy telling everyone I don’t blog about politics right before I blog about politics.But seriously, this is not a blog about politics. It’s a blog about tortillas.A lot of us feel ways about the Southern border. Both sides are understandable. I have my own rich history along the Rio Grande.Back In…
George HW Bush was the first president I met. We’ve discussed this before, when Barbara Bush passed away earlier this year.I met him and Bill Clinton in Galveston after Hurricane Ike back in aught-eight, when they would do fundraisers. An associate sent me a picture of myself kneeling in front of Bill Clinton on the beach in…
Edited to add: Allan Saxe has now passed away. When he retired in 2019, I talked to him about his career.He taught for 55 years, and when I talked to him about his retirement, he said in his day, college was for misfits, but now everybody has to look professional and fit in.”I found out college professors have…
Early voting in the mid-terms is now underway in Texas, leading reporters to show up at polling places so they can shove microphones in the faces of people who showed up to vote. The start of early voting led this reporter to dust off his ol’ standard: “I don’t know why more people don’t vote early. It…
A retired schoolteacher from South Carolina is drawing attention for what everyone assumes retired schoolteachers do: She proofread and graded a letter someone sent her.This particular letter had come from President Trump:Loyal Scaiaholics know I won’t shut up about how I don’t blog about politics, only the hilarious things that happen because of politics.Having said…
Loyal Scaiaholics know I grew up in Ohio. Several Ohio-based associates have been posting about the race for Senate.Sherrod Brown, you see, is running for reelection to a third term. Brown is a Democrat, but Republicans outvoted Democratsduring the Ohio primary last week.But loyal Scaiaholics also know I do not blog about politics, just hilarious things that…