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Perfect Strangers

This year, we all have a lot of grievances to air.But this blog is not about grievances. This blog is about research, about getting to the bottom of the most important issues facing us every day.Loyal Scaiaholics will recall I enjoy heading home to Ohio each Christmas to see reminders of how super I am and my concerns…

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Loyal Scaiaholics know two things about me:1.) I am a celebrity goat milking champion.2.) I am a connoisseur of sitcoms of the 1980s.These two items came together in remarkable fashion this week.I recently celebrated a birthday. And by “celebrated,” I mean, “flipped out just a li’l bit because I’ll be 40 soon.” But just…

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We Need the Dues

As a slacker, I feel like an authority in the case of people bribing “college insiders” to doctor their kids’ scores on the SAT.I have experience in the area of being exposed as a cheater. Back In The Day, an English teacher at my high school would occasionally give us pop quizzes. She’d hand out a quiz on…

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