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Have I ever told you I used to live in Oregon? The saga started out in SuperOregon. Then I moved on to the big city, living in Portland about three years. Fun fact about both Standard and SuperOregon: They sometimes get hot in the summer.But not this hot.During my first summer, when we’d read the weather report…

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One of my hobbies is wandering onto highways.This morning, severe weather elected to push through the Metroplex right at the height of morning drive-time. The National Weather Service has an incredibly helpful chat program, so I was able to get reports on where the storm was the worst. One of those areas was Irving, where heavy rain had…

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More states are closing schools and issuing various shelter-in-place or social distancing warnings.As a result, small businesses have been pummeled. But not all of them. Many people are reading books again. For America’s youth, a “book” is similar to a website, but it’s printed on paper, so it can be screened even if the internet…

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Loyal Scaiaholics know I look forward to writing a blog on the plane trip home from the Pendleton Round-Up in SuperOregon each September. You may also recall I only recently learned about hat-steaming.”Sure, Scaia, make fun of the hat steamer all you want,” the Lord smirked as He read that blog three years ago. “We’ll just…

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Continuing a series of blog posts involving Dayton, Ohio [and the latest in an ongoing series about pumping gas in the Pacific Northwest. Why doesn’t The Mainstream Media cover these hot-button issues?!]:I’m [Hashtag: Not an Old Man], but one of my hobbies is bragging about cheap gas. I posted this picture on Facebook [Hashtag: It Might…

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Over 15 years as a journalist, I’ve won the Edward R. Murrow Award multiple times, awards from state organizations and even once from a film festival in New York.I’ve also played with doggies.This week, the Humane Society of North Texas and ASPCA were flying about 140 dogs and cats from shelters in North Texas to the…

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