You might feel a lot of ways about the weather we’re having. Today was a prime opportunity to shove my microphone in the face of people who were filling their gas tank. a situation like this, I often try to locate the nearest QuikTrip. First, they don’t seem to mind reporters…
I got my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine today. I was there, the line of cars was ripe for microphone shovin’. I sidled up to several cars to ask them how they feel about getting the vaccine [spoilers: every one of them was in favor].I had actually set up outside…
I believe HIPAA laws dictate, when the COVID-19 vaccine becomes widely available, your healthcare provider is required to provide a doctor or nurse to administer the vaccine and also an assistant to take a picture of you smiling reassuringly into the camera and possibly giving a thumbs up.Businesses are anxious to reopen so we can smile reassuringly at…
This Thanksgiving I’m thankful for humanity. Sure, society and I have had our disagreements, but this week is making us all focus on what we have to be thankful for.I was at an affair Tuesday night in Dallas. While driving home, I noticed some thunderclouds lighting up. Thinking nothing of it, I went to sleep as the line…
The year was 2016. On election night, I was catching up with elected officials at local watch parties [Kids, “watch parties” were events where people would gather on election nights to watch returns before society was disbanded.].That year, reliable polls indicated Donald Trump would lose handily, so I elected [see what I did there, using the verb, “elected,” but…
Loyal Scaiaholics understand my controversial position that we’re all mammals. Perhaps this idea is more important than ever as we approach the 2020 election.”Nothing could be more schismatic than this election,” we all said to each other in 2016. Then the other person would nod thoughtfully and quickly google “schismatic” to confirm its meeting.But our elected officials…
There’s a good chance things are going to get worse before they get better.A Facebook memory popped up today to remind me that three years ago, I was covering Hurricane Harvey. The wind blew out the windows of the news car.Luckily, I was stopped at the time. I was, however, on the phone with another reporter who…