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Loyal Scaiaholics will recall I am, in addition to my tremendous modesty, one of the smartest people on Earth. Each week, Mensa sends a newsletter titled, “Weekly Brainwave.”You might think this newsletter would contain academic journal articles about theoretical physics or cutting edge technology that could someday cure cancer while simultaneously giving your clothes that “fresh from the laundry…

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On the one hand, people come to their favored news outlet to seek out information. You might be looking for a traffic report, information about a new business that’s opening or something that’s being built along your commute to work, or information about what’s happening in Washington.On the other hand, people are getting frustrated with constant…

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I may never have mentioned this before, but I’m one of the smartest people on the planet. Having said that, a guy from H&R Block still had to come to one of our meetings recently to explain how to do our taxes.I’m struttin’ around wearin’ a Mensa lifetime pledge pin, and we still can’t…

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We Need the Dues

As a slacker, I feel like an authority in the case of people bribing “college insiders” to doctor their kids’ scores on the SAT.I have experience in the area of being exposed as a cheater. Back In The Day, an English teacher at my high school would occasionally give us pop quizzes. She’d hand out a quiz on…

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