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Mama Scaia

Continuing an occasional series of blogs involving Rocky quotes, North Texas is abuzz [abuzz!] with the excitement of the first freeze of the year:Tonight: blustery and COLD! There will be a strong northwest wind at 20-25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. You’ll want to bundle up before you leave the house in the morning… wind…

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I woke up this morning to a notification on Facebook about all my associates who marked themselves safe from the “Western Ohio Tornadoes.” I had gone to bed early and didn’t know what had happened.”Where am I, 1974 Xenia?!” I asked myself. People who grew up in Western Ohio totally get that.Loyal Scaiaholics know I grew up…

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I woke up Monday morning and discovered I couldn’t talk. While this was surely a great relief to my coworkers, I became concerned, given that talking to people on the radio is essentially my only skill.My voice started getting just a bit raspy on Sunday. Scaiaholics are often surprised to learn that I test introvert and find “talking…

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I’m writing this from the Cleveland Airport. I came early after hearing these horror stories about people spending hours in line at security and Southwest canceling all these flights because the hamster that runs in the wheel to keep the computers turned onpassed away.I had missed the rush of post-convention travelers. My network brethren had declared that…

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