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Hurricane Ike

Li’l Baby Scaia was a big fan of meteorology. Back in the olden days, I’d space out to The Weather Channel when they, you know, talked about the weather instead of sending Jim Cantore into whatever disaster.Funny Jim Cantore story: I was working in Houston for Hurricane Ike. During situations like this, emergency management agencies prefer everyone…

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He Acted Normal


George HW Bush was the first president I met. We’ve discussed this before, when Barbara Bush passed away earlier this year.I met him and Bill Clinton in Galveston after Hurricane Ike back in aught-eight, when they would do fundraisers. An associate sent me a picture of myself kneeling in front of Bill Clinton on the beach in…

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This week, President Obama went to Flint, Michigan to try to assuage people’s fear about the water supply. And, in the least majestic photo opportunity in presidential history, he was captured on film taking a sip.In my line of work, I’ve actually spent a fair amount of time around presidents. In fact, I’ve met each living…

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