Browsing Tag

car crash


Find your why

“Wait, Scaia was in a car crash?” you might be thinking to yourself. “Because he, like, never talks about it…

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I may never have mentioned this before, but I was in a minor fender bender [or kerfuffle, if you will] about six years ago. Each December, an associate texts me to congratulate me on my “staying alive anniversary.”This year, the Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation asked me to participate in a study about recovery from traumatic brain injury.That study…

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Loyal Scaiaholics will recall my rich history with the ambulance provider, MedStar. And lo, a thought just occured: We’re approaching the anniversary of the car crash that I’m still fairly certain was a hoax [Hashtag: Fake News, two years before it was cool to say, “fake news.” Hashtag: Trend Setter].But this isn’t about me [even my…

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I Am a Giver of Life!

I may never have mentioned this before, but I was in a bit of a car crash about five years ago. bring this up because after the crash, I felt like I should give something back to the medical community after taking so, so much.I started donating blood. After seeing articles…

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