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Back to the Future

Loyal Scaiaholics will recall an auction house in Dallas put George Clooney’s nipple costume up for bid earlier this year. Not to rest on its laurels, Heritage Auctions has taken the process a step further…

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You may have recently seen a poll or two that suggests the average American isn’t particularly thrilled with the government shutdown. The average American thinks every member of Congress is doing a terrible job. So terrible, in fact, that many of them may only get reelected with, say, 75 percent of the…

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You’ve probably noticed that we’re in one of those periods where the Back to the Future trilogy has been on TV almost non-stop for several months.Here’s something:You know that part where Marty McFly and Doc Brown go back to 1985 and it’s that weird, other 1985? Consider Doc Brown’s explanation…

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