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I’m nothing if not a connoisseur of American cinema. #ScaiaBlog has covered such hard-hitting issues as why the DeLorean went back to an alternate 1985 but then back to the original 2015. On another topic, I’m sorry to say, instead of coming together to help each other reach the green food, we appear to have gone the…

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Loyal Scaiaholics know I look forward to writing a blog on the plane trip home from the Pendleton Round-Up in SuperOregon each September. You may also recall I only recently learned about hat-steaming.”Sure, Scaia, make fun of the hat steamer all you want,” the Lord smirked as He read that blog three years ago. “We’ll just…

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Today, Collin Creek Mall shut its doors one last time. No one, you see, was going to the mall because it’s no longer the 1980s.The iconic development at the corner of 75 and Bush Turnpike will give way to a different iconic development over the next six years [But JC Penney is staying open!].I went to the…

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The Texas legislature started its biennial session this week.I’ve interviewed just about everyone in Texas about the “bathroom bill” (If you haven’t heard from me yet, expect a call sometime this week), and the budget is taking a hit because the price of oil is down.Those are issues that are stealing the show, but what…

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