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One Scaiaholic tweets incessantly about hashtag: transit alternatives. I’m sure he’s a thorn in the side of the T, but listen, I’m sure I’m a thorn in their side, too, because I still call them, “The T.”In my defense, “Trinity Metro” does contain three Ts, and calling them the T reminds me of the family…

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I’ve been visiting home back in Ohio the past few days. Has anything, say, has anything interesting been happening back in Texas?This post will incorporate two things Loyal Scaiaholics have become quite familiar with:1.) I frequently blog about Ohio even though I’ve lived in Texas ten years and Oregon before that.2.) Mama Scaia showed up…

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Last year, air travel dropped 60%. Apparently, the International Civil Aviation Organization did not take into account the DFW to Dayton, Ohio route. I flew home for a bit last summer on a plane that was full enough to cause me to take a picture.”I can’t believe this many people are trying to get to Dayton,” I thought…

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“It’s sunny out today,” I thought to myself. “Great weather for microphone shovin’.”Loyal Scaiaholics will recall my rich history as an Arlington resident. [An aside: There simply aren’t enough blogs that compare new traffic lights to good men becoming evil by using any means to fight evil.]But today, three people were killed at an apartment complex…

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As the only millennial who still has cable, I found myself at the house after work this afternoon, flipping back and forth between two timely epics programs: M*A*S*H and Big.Continuing a series of reviews of Tom Hanks movies that are several decades old, I started watching Big.This film would look much different today.When Josh…

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This week, I met the only surviving Medal of Honor recipient from World War II. Woody Williams earned the Medal of Honor for his actions at Iwo Jima.From his bio on the Department of Defense website:”Williams had initially been one of several demolition sergeants, but by Feb. 23, 1945, he was the only one left. So, he bravely…

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Loyal Scaiaholics will recall I am, in addition to my tremendous modesty, one of the smartest people on Earth. Each week, Mensa sends a newsletter titled, “Weekly Brainwave.”You might think this newsletter would contain academic journal articles about theoretical physics or cutting edge technology that could someday cure cancer while simultaneously giving your clothes that “fresh from the laundry…

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