Loyal Scaiaholics will recall I spend much of my workday in the car. As such, I’ve become a connoisseur of billboards…
Continuing a series on how horrible my generation is compared to those who fought in World War II, this week, I interviewed a gentleman who is both a World War II veteran and Holocaust survivor…
I’m sorry to say I never did follow through on my plan to become the Ric Flair of AM radio. Here’s the conundrum: I understand many of the “bad guys” in the WWE universe are often the most engaging and charming in real life. Which brings us to the Mouth of the South, Jimmy Hart…
Maybe I’ve been too hard on Atlanta. Listen, no one in Texas has a positive memory of any Game Sixes, but this week, we learned maybe, just maybe, the Atlanta Braves had changed…
The Wings Over Dallas Airshow is taking place this weekend at Executive Airport…
Television had given me mixed messages about slow cookin’: Either it’s the wood that makes it good, or I wanted to taste the meat, not the heat…