“Wait, Scaia was in a car crash?” you might be thinking to yourself. “Because he, like, never talks about it…
We all know the history of the first Thanksgiving… allegedly. Our schools have been glossing over the fact Texas had a bigger Thanksgiving led by the Catholics [so you can be sure it was more rootin’ and tootin’ than the event in New England] a full 23 years before the pilgrims…
Leading up to the election, pundits and wags confidently explained to us who would win. They do this every four years to provide us all with information, of course, not sensationalize a story to fill hours upon hours of airtime with space for commercials…
My past week has mainly consisted of me stumbling out of bed in the morning, loading the Texas Secretary of State’s website and telling people how many of us voted the day before…
In just a few weeks, we’ll choose our next president of the United States. This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in our nation’s government, which is an opportunity many people around the world don’t have…
When you check into a hotel on vacation, you might not think the clerk has an interesting story to tell…