Each year, I head to Grapevine when the mayor pardons a turkey for Thanksgiving.
The turkey is always named, “Tom T. Turkey,” an homage, I’m sure, to modern philosopher, Tom T. Hall. Reading the proclamation, Mayor William D. Tate explains Tom was nearly cooked over the summer.
But Grapevine is known as the “Christmas Capital of Texas,” so Mrs. Claus was sitting right next to him, waiting as patiently as she could until she got a chance to start loading up the North Pole Express.
The Grapevine Vintage Railroad is a full service operation with several departures to the North Pole every day, so as families lined up for the North Pole Express, they heard about how Santa wound up with his operation at the North Pole from Elves Twinkle and Jingle. Jingle, I should add, was still in training at Thanksgiving.
“Why does Santa live at the North Pole?” an elf asks.
Twinkle explains the North Pole Lights predate humans. They were created by a spark of joy and love, but in a tragedy of sadness, the lights traveled all over until they found some dude herding reindeer.
The fella and his old lady didn’t have kids of their own, so the light hooked them up with the children of the world. Twinkle and Jingle explained the light shines brightest when Santa hears from li’l munchkins who believe.
They continued Santa loves the sound of the bells given to each kid. You know what other sound Santa loves? Alvin and the Chipmunks, which was playing in the background as kids lined up.
Another savant, Jerry Stiller, summarizes how we all feel this time of year.
We may all feel divided right now, but if we don’t come together, laugh and sing, Santa may not come this year. You’ll also shut off the lights in Downtown Grapevine.