We may feel like a divided people. We may feel like nothing can truly bring us together.
Except when we get our property valuation and we declare, in one voice, “There’s no way I’m payin’ that much. I need a new roof and foundation!”
But Tarrant County just increased its homestead exemption. And your appraisal district websites can provide a wealth of information, like helping you stalk neighbors to figure out who had a hankerin’ for a Cruchwrap Supreme.
Let me explain.

This spring, one of my neighbors texted and explained he was out of town, but his doorbell alerted him an Uber Eats had been dropped at his house by mistake. He asked if I’d pick it up and trash it so the neighborhood cats wouldn’t swarm his house.
“I do enjoy the occasional quesadilla,” I explained to him. “So I might just enjoy this Taco Bell situation myself.”
But when I arrived, I saw it had been dropped off the night before, so I was less interested in this mistaken order. I was still concerned. Katherine B. clearly needed some late-night protein, and this bag was certainly not big enough for all 18 items in her order.
I asked if he knew Katherine. He did not. I know the folks who live on either side of the Ol’ Scaia Place and the family across the street. We got some new neighbors at the house next to them last fall, but after all the kids were done trick-or-treating for Halloween, the mom from that house went door-to-door explaining it was now the adults’ turn, so she was giving out shots of tequila to meet the neighbors.
“None of them is Katherine,” I glowered.
“So you used common sense and just threw the Taco Bell that had been sitting there ten hours in the trash and went on about your day, right, Scaia?” you’re thinking.
Of course not.
I took the bag inside and loaded up the Tarrant Appraisal District website. I was going to find Katherine.
I only know the name of the husband of the family behind me, but their last name doesn’t start with B. I started loading other addresses, but I simply couldn’t find any Katherines or any Bs on the block.
Part of me felt like I was stalking, but at the same time, maybe this is exactly what appraisal district websites are for.
Unfortunately, I never did track Katherine down, but I did start comparing property appraisals in order to get everything in line for my tax protest next year, so it wasn’t a complete loss.
But to Katherine B.: Even with a hard-target search of the neighborhood, I’m sorry I couldn’t reach you with your 18 Chalupas.