
The penitent man shall read this blog

Loyal Scaiaholics will recall an auction house in Dallas put George Clooney’s nipple costume up for bid earlier this year. Not to rest on its laurels, Heritage Auctions has taken the process a step further.

Just in time for Christmas, you can own Kris Kringle’s very own suit from Miracle of 34th Street.

Bidding starts at $20,000, but you can also bid on Edmund Gwenn’s Best Supporting Actor Oscar from the olden days before they banned selling Oscars. So you can become an Oscar winner yourself.

Sticking with the biblical theme, you can also hit the town in Moses’ robe from The Ten Commandments.

Heritage Auctions’ Robert Wilonsky happens to be Jewish, but he says it was a family tradition to watch The Ten Commandments every year at Passover.

But if you’re not into commandments, you can also honor the work of Cesar Romero and Dick Van Dyke.

In that clip, Wilonsky talks about how so many of the items might conjure up memories of watching the movies as a kid. Even though Dick Van Dyke is still rockin’ out thoroughly and consistently, some of the newer items stood out to me.

Loyal Scaiaholics will also recall I’ve spent time with the Ark of the Covenant, but Raiders of the Lost Ark was released before I was born. Now, you can get your hands on some Temple of Doom merch. With just one Sankara Stone at this auction, I worry separating them may be the reason everything’s been going gunny sack the past couple years.

But moving ahead to The Last Crusade, now you can own the Holy Grail. Heritage even took it out of the case and let hold it. They estimate the Grail will sell for about $30,000, which feels like an affordable path to immortality. I just hope the auction isn’t won by a villain of any of the movies represented here. You should be able to spot the movie villain. He’ll be standing in the back, wearing a tuxedo and twirling his mustache menacingly.

For more conflicted movie villains, you can also buy Dolph Lundgren’s script from Rocky IV. Turns out, he was always conflicted about pushing himself so hard. He had to force himself to hate Apollo:

He was making those notes to himself long before Creed II. It’s interesting to see him developing a personality for the character.

The script will cost you an estimated $8,000, but if you’d like to own Rocky’s gloves, those will set you back $24,000.

Sure, I’m a youthful millennial, but for the kids out there, there was a time years ago when newspapers were printed on paper. Back to the Future posited we’d have flying cars by now, but even in 2015, we’d still be sitting down to read a physical paper. You can own this relic from history for approximately $3,000.

In addition to not predicting we’d all consume news in two sentence blurbs on Facebook or Twitter, it’s interesting to see what people in the 1980s expected life to be like in 2015, a world where the Swiss are the terrorists and we closely watch the price of kelp, probably with the OKEC countries limiting supply. Spoilers: They also weren’t fans of Jaws 19.

The auction runs through Saturday. I’m sorry I was not able to try on Captain Kirk’s tunic or drive around a bit in the Love Bug, but if you’ve got $800,000 burnin’ a hole in yer pocket, you could rescue the hour glass from that awful wicked witch of the west.
