Loyal Scaiaholics will recall my position on the sonic boom. Or you might not. I didn’t even remember writing that blog until I typed, “sonic boom” in the search box just now. I’m surely one of ten most loyal Scaiaholics around–maybe I’m holding you, the dozens of people who visit the site every week, to too high a standard.
So this is a follow-up to that blog. NASA and Lockheed Martin have been working together on a plane that can fly at the speed of sound without creating a sonic boom.
“But how?!” you’re screaming at your computer while shaking your fist.
“I have no idea,” I explained to NASA’s project manager. He reports computer machines are now able to make this a reality.

Standing next to him is his deputy project manager, a Texan.
She dumbed it down for me. The shock waves bounce off things coming off the plane. Then they converge right in your ear. It’s possible I’m paraphrasing, and it sounded more scientific coming from her.
This brings up an interesting point. The white noise app on my phone has an “airplane” setting, which is allegedly relaxing.
This reporter, who has won the Edward R. Murrow Award for Use of Sound, feels like that doesn’t sound much like an airplane, nor does it sound relaxing. This right here? This is the sound of a real-life airplane right in the middle of my interview.

The new sound can be described in various ways. Officially, it is a “thump.” Unofficially, it is rolling thunder, which is also on the white noise app, or a car door closing.
Right now, the plane is in Fort Worth having testing done on the materials and the accuracy of the gauges.
They’ll have their first flight soon. Then they’ll go to the FAA and international regulators for approval. Right now, planes have a speed limit. They’ll be looking to change that a noise limit.
Soon, I could fly to Dayton in one hour instead of two! I’m sure that’s exactly the market NASA and Lockheed have in mind.
Meantime, I’d love NASA to work on some better snack options on the existing planes.