Loyal Scaiaholics will recall how I’ve covered the Palace Theater’s stalwart light bulb vigorously. And by “vigorously,” I mean, “once.”
But today was the light bulb’s 112th birthday.
And what a day to celebrate! Today, museums, restaurants, stores and more could open at 75% capacity, but the head of the museum says she wasn’t even filling up at 50%. Continuing a theme of things getting serious, the Stockyards Museum was unable to draw a crowd for the light bulb.
But this year, the museum laid out light bulb shaped cupcakes for no visitors. No one came to the light bulb’s party. Devon Dawson belted out some tunage in the light bulb’s honor, but she was singing to me and the rest of the museum staff.
Normally, the party draws some families or people in town on business looking for something to do around lunch.
I decided to investigate further. Business owners in the Stockyards talked about how they depend on tourism. Without people visiting Fort Worth for conferences or events in the Cultural District or at the Convention Center, business was drying up quickly.
I could see why they were concerned. I try to avoid the Stockyards unless friends or family are visiting. A few years ago, I took the fam to see the cattle drive when they were visiting from Ohio, and #MamaScaia even got her picture taken on the bull.
But now, they can’t run the daily cattle drive [the bull is still there, though, for photo opps].
I started milling around some stores stores in Stockyards Station. The owner of Sassy Pantz said she’s not drawing customers. She’s now trying to build an online presence, but it’s tough for a specialty shop to carve out a presence without people being able to see the merchandise in person. She says 90% of her business is foot-traffic.
This was also my first opportunity to use the phrase, “sassy pants,” on the air.
She did say, though, that actual Fort Worth residents have started showing up. When I told her I stay away from the Stockyards like a New Yorker stays away from Times Square, she said she’s been seeing more locals who just have cabin fever.
But she presents a strong point: Society’s head is collectively throbbing right now.