
The Miniature Light Bulb Cartel

One of my associates is about to get married, and us hot-heads, us devil-may-care millennials recently started planning to hit the town the weekend of his wedding.

This led to a group text [the same group involved in a previous blog about us not being old men] about our disdain for time passing. We’re still not old men, but one associate, the bachelor himself, sent a link about the next tuition increase at TCU.

A couple others replied that tuition was half that when they were students. I would have preferred to see one of them write, “In my day…” but I won’t be picky.

Different associates have moved to different cities, and the focus was on how it’d be a good time to get together in Downtown Fort Worth like the olden days.

I was late to this discussion, though.

I had to go light bulb shopping, you see. Obviously, this led to me feeling ways about things.

“Remember when we used to get raucous in Downtown Fort Worth?” I posited to the group.

“Now, we complain about college tuition, and I spend my weekend collecting leaves and wrenching on my truck.”

One of the turn signals on my truck had gone out. Never mind I’ve owned the truck for 15 years and cannot recall the last time I had to replace a turn signal light bulb [and also that raking leaves is only a slight inconvenience… And also that I was raking leaves on land I own]. This was a sign of our inevitable aging.

In my role as land owner, I decided to make a weekend of caring for my property. One of the light bulbs over the stove had burned out a while back. I figured I’d wait until the other bulb burned out and just replace them both.

That time had arrived.

Off I trudged, in my role as master of my domain to two separate stores to buy two separate types of light bulb.

“The bulb racket is running this town,” I muttered to myself. “Fort Worth is now the 13th biggest city in the country. Surely, this is a town that can support a bulb superstore.”

But all is not lost. That’s the key here, gang. Let us not look back, forlorn over days past.

I’m now sporting a handsome new turn signal. I encouraged the bachelor to include this picture in the wedding program. Surely, this turn signal is a signal… to a bright future! Also, look at how great the lawn looks! I never would have pulled that off in my 20s!

