
“The Recovery Mode of Life” Would Be a Good Name for a Soap

I rarely blog on weekends, but loyal Scaiaholics will recall my complicated history with plug-ins. I bring this up because I felt I owed the, literally, dozens of people who visit this site every week an explanation. The website, you see, was recently dealing with an issue [a critical issue].

This started last week. I had posted a blog about Texas Instruments and the Perot Museum bringing li’l rascals in to try out a rebuilt exhibit.

My website wasn’t reporting any traffic. Puzzled by the lack of interest, I went looking for the reason. Turns out, my website wasn’t, technically, reporting anything.

Facebook had shut it down.

Because a reporter asks, I checked the Yahoo account that I devote to spam email.

WordPress had been trying to get in touch.

“Howdy!” WordPress really did use as its greeting. “There is a built-in feature that detects when a plug-in or theme causes a fatal error on your site.”

This was getting serious. It was no longer a critical issue; it was a fatal error.

I went looking along the walls of my house for a socket for this plug-in, but WordPress gave me several options:

1.) I could copy a bunch of code and make a report to the host.

2.) I could try a different WordPress theme or disable the Facebook function entirely.

3.) I could try to fix the problem myself in “Recovery Mode.”

Even though the kids aren’t using Facebook anymore, Recovery Mode made the strongest case.

“Recovery Mode would come in handy for a lot of things, not just for the website,” I explained to my computer screen.

“What would happen if I lost the blog?!” I continued… to the computer screen. “I use this to provide people with information about how reporters get their stories. Also, Croissan’Wiches. I provide information about Croissan’Wiches!”

I have no idea what, specifically, I did, but I clicked several “update” buttons, and the website should be running now. Isn’t it so meta to be writing a blog about how the blog works?! Am I using that term right? “Meta?”

I am not an old man.

