Across the country today, Toys [Backwards R] Us stores opened their doors for the last time.
I went to a store near White Rock Lake, where passing cyclists wouldn’t stop yelling expetives at me to explain what was coming downstream, to talk to people who were doing some last minute shopping.
People were lining up outside the store about an hour before it opened.
“Listen, everyone,” Toys “R” Us founder, Charles Laza[Backwards R]us might have come out to tell the crowd if he hadn’t passed away this past March. “Maybe if you lined up outside the joint more than once every 70 years, we wouldn’t have to shut the place down and put giraffes out of work.”
We all feel ways about Toys “R” Us shutting down. Back in the olden days, the Scaia family would make an occasional road trip to the Toys “R” Us in Cincinnati because Toys “R” Us thought it was too good for Dayton. Maybe that was their first mistake.
So I wandered up to people standing in line. Some say they were just there to find a deal on whatever they had left over, which, by the way, was not much.
But some said they were bringing their kids. They grew up with Toys “R” Us, and they wanted to share it with their kids once more.
The kids, however, could not have been less impressed.
But she came around, though, realizing that if she actually went into a store, she could make sure she was buying the thing she thought she was buying.
And the child learned a lesson. So Toys “R” Us is still providing a service, even as it closes its doors.
Texas had 65 Toys “R” Us-es, and the San Antonio Zoo had been trying to step in, launching, I swear I’m not making this up, a GoFundMe page to save a fake giraffe. The fundraiser came up tragically short, though, so Geoffrey was donated to a children’s hospital instead.
That might sound #Adorbs, but I’ve got to believe a mutant giraffe showing up in front of children as they’re being taken in for surgery might make the kids a bit nervous.
And the zoo was actually planning to donate the money to a non-profit to help restore the giraffe habitat.
In conclusion, I misspelled “hear” in that tweet pasted in the KRLD article. Let’s remember that kids: always proofread your tweets. Maybe that can be Toys [Backwards R] Us’ legacy.