I met Barbara Bush several times when I was working in Houston a few years ago. The Bushes have always been very visible there.
An associate took this shot of Barbara Bush at a library in Spring, Texas that was named after her.
The Bushes would use that visibility to help when they could. When George HW Bush and Bill Clinton would raise money together after disasters, they went to Galveston after Hurricane Ike.
A Scaiaholic sent me a picture not too long ago of me kneeling in the media scrum.
Bill Clinton is standing with the mayor of Galveston. And I appear to be struggling to understand how to use one of those Flip Cameras.
I also saw Barbara Bush at a hospital in Houston. George HW Bush had a health issue, and he’d been released, but they called a press conference. The Bushes didn’t call a press conference to talk about themselves, though. They called the press conference to thank the doctors, nurses and staff at the hospital.
That’s something that’s come up repeatedly covering the Bush family. Regardless of how you feel about politics, they’ve been accessible and supportive of people who’ve helped them.
They also have a sense of humor.
When George P. Bush was running for Land Commissioner, he was handing out cowbells at a fundraiser in Fort Worth. I was covering the event and tweeted a picture, writing, “George P. Bush demands more cowbell.” This was four years of twitters ago, otherwise I’d probably go back and find it. I remember him “liking” it… a picture of me making fun of him for handing out cowbells.
Barbara Bush also apparently handled her look-alike’s appearance in a Naked Gun movie with grace and aplomb.
Back at the hospital a few years ago, George HW Bush was thanking everyone and said something about how he was just glad the Silver Fox was there with him. Everyone smiled politely, so I smiled as well.
For a moment, I thought the Silver Fox was some kind of military code [It’s possible I was not in the military]. Then I realized he was talking about his wife. I was standing next to the public relations person for the hospital and asked for confirmation that Barbara Bush, in fact, was the Silver Fox [a reporter asks].
She said she saw them outside and thought it was nice that this couple who’d been together since World War II was still so affectionate. At the risk of editorializing, it was adorbs. Adorbs!
But Barbara Bush had a serious side, too. She wasn’t messing around when she went to Astros games. The first time I saw her at a game, people told me the Bushes would greet people who made it to her seat, but she always paid attention to the game.
In fact, she would keep a scorecard and apparently would get upset if she missed a play.
I feel kind of bad for her. The Astros won the game in question, but I can’t imagine she was pleased with Andy Pettite’s performance. His ERA was above four that year. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Barbara Bush had something to do with the Astros’ decision not to re-sign him and ship him back to the Yankees. I’m glad, though, she got to see a World Series parade.